Monday, May 24, 2010

Are Visual Basic 6 books useless for learning Visual Basic 2008?

I want to learn Visual Basic 2008 but I noticed that most books are for Visual Basic 6 or Visual Basic Net. Should I stay away from these books if I want to learn Visual Basic 2008?

Are Visual Basic 6 books useless for learning Visual Basic 2008?
VB 2008 as I saw it is a .NET product, VB 6 books are not applicable, precisely if the said programmer is moderately experienced what VB 6 book can teach a VB.NET programmer can be self-taught in half a hour of poking around, they are too different besides simple syntactical similarities.
Reply:They wont entirely be the same, but VB '06 has mostly the same code as '08 and .NET.

It will help you some, but use MSDN for VB '08

How do i create a visual basic animation?

Visual Basic Animation codes

How do i create a visual basic animation?
What version of VB? If you are using VB-6, it's pretty easy. Use a Picture Box (or image control, I forget which), an IMAGE LIST, and a TIMER control. Use the TIMER control to LOOP through the IMAGE LIST items and put them into the PICTURE BOX.

How to make a program in visual basic which shows a factorial output?

there are only 2 textboxes which are to be used . in the first textbox, the last number will be entered and on the second textbox, the output which is the sum of all the numbers (factorial) should be displayed.

How to make a program in visual basic which shows a factorial output?
use a FOR/NEXT loop with the STEP argument to DECRIMENT the variable

Dim intCounter as integer

STATIC intSolution as Integer

FOR intCounter = 5 to 1 STEP -1

intSolution = (some calculation performed against intCounter)

Next intCounter

This is using VB-6 code, since you didn't specify a particular version of the laguage. Check for great sample codes.
Reply:use double variables...
Reply:Did you mean to use the word SUM ? I'm not trying to be picky, but a factorial is not a sum.

A factorial is : 5! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 = 120 .

A sum is : 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15.

in C ++ for example

you can assign a variable to the user's input of the number 5

then you can make a loop ----

while( whole_num %26gt; 1 )


total = total * whole_num;

whole_num = whole_num - 1;


I'm not sure how to write this in Visual Basic, but if you understand my logic here, you should be able to translate it into other languages.

song meanings

What is the Visual Basic code for a sales receipt?

this is our project in our programming class and i dont know how to make it. We are going to provide a printout of the interface into a receipt using VB code.

What is the Visual Basic code for a sales receipt?
Think of how a Cash register works...

As Items are (Scanned) entered a description is printed with a value.

Your code will need to let an Item be entered by a user along with a value. When a button is pressed the Item and value is added to a list box and a running total is created.

As items are entered the list grows longer and the sub total vale is incremented.

At some point you will need to check out so create a button to do this function.

Checking out disables and further entries to the list a tax is calculated based upon the sub total and a grand total is calculated . As the sale is completed by the customer paying via cash/credit etc the sales receipt is printed.

On the receipt is a list of items purchased and their values, the sub total , tax and grand total.

So just print every item in your list followed by the values.

To get this data on paper you will have to use a PrintDocument object or use a MSWord object.

Either way you pragmatically create a document page and type text via code onto this virtual document. The document is then printed.

You can use a template from MS Word and add text to it via code or you can code the entire document from scratch within your app.

Or you can creat a text file then print the text file

What is the defference between Visual Basic and SQL?

I have a home work pls help me with detail answers

Many txs

What is the defference between Visual Basic and SQL?
This is the most detailed answer ull get:

Visual Basic (VB) is an event driven programming language and associated development environment from Microsoft for its COM programming model.[1] Visual Basic was derived from BASIC and enables the rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications, access to databases using DAO, RDO, or ADO, and creation of ActiveX controls and objects. Scripting languages such as VBA and VBScript are syntactically similar to Visual Basic, but perform differently.

A programmer can put together an application using the components provided with Visual Basic itself. Programs written in Visual Basic can also use the Windows API, but doing so requires external function declarations.

SQL (IPA: /ˌɛsˌkjuːˈɛl/ or /ˈsiːkwəl/), commonly expanded as Structured Query Language, is a computer language designed for the retrieval and management of data in relational database management systems, database schema creation and modification, and database object access control management.[

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard interactive and programming language for getting information from and updating a database. Although SQL is both an ANSI and an ISO standard, many database products support SQL with proprietary extensions to the standard language. Queries take the form of a command language that lets you select, insert, update, find out the location of data, and so forth. There is also a programming interface.
Reply:go in google and search for detail...

for your information

VB is front end you see any software and work on that.

sql is back end tool,,,you save any information and that is being saved at a place.

that is because of database.
Reply:Visual basic is a programming language. SQL is a database language (structured query language).
Reply:VB is mainly used for the design of front end software and SQL is used for back end.

How can i post a visual basic exe program on a forum?

I can figure out how to post the .exe file.

How can i post a visual basic exe program on a forum?
zip 'er up

Use Win Zip and zip up the program

If I have a website containing a variable, How can I transfer that variable onto a visual basic form?

I want a form on my website to be filled in before they can download the programme, but I want it to know their name.


If I have a website containing a variable, How can I transfer that variable onto a visual basic form?
copy and paste it
Reply:if you can ask the question in a clearer way, and in more details.


How can I check two letters pressed on text box using Visual Basic?

I'm working on Visual Basic , I went to check two characters pressed on a text box, I use the following code

switch case keyascii

case asc("A")

case asc("B")

Label1.caption="AB are pressed"

case asc("C")

case asc("B)

Label1.caption="BC Pressed"

end select

But It can't work only it displays AB are pressed. I think it only checks the asc("B"), PLs help me with this

How can I check two letters pressed on text box using Visual Basic?
There are essentially problems in your code :

I think you worked with C-Based Languages before .

In VB,after each "case" block that returns true,program jumps to "End Select" against C-Based Langs.

"Switch" must be replaced by "SELECT"

AND A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE : In Each Call Event of KEYs(for ex.keypress,...) , only 1 main key(but ALT,SHIFT,CONTROL) is passed to event function . So you must save first 'keypress' keyascii and then check the second :

dim prevKey as integer


Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

if prevKey=-1 then

if keyAscii=asc("A") OR keyAscii=asc("B") OR _

keyAscii=asc("C") then


end if



select case keySum

case asc("A")+asc("B")

Label1.caption="AB are pressed"

case asc("B")+asc("C")

Label1.caption="BC are pressed"

end select


end if

End Sub

Is there a way to determine if a computer is a laptop or desktop using visual basic 6?

before I make the migration over to visual basuc 2005, I would like to know if there is a piece of code out there anyone is willing to share with me to determine if there is a way a computer is a desktop or a laptop using visual basic 6.

Any ideas?


Is there a way to determine if a computer is a laptop or desktop using visual basic 6?
no. the system information of a computer don't reveal that. neither do ip

What is the extension of visual basic projects?

i want to retrievevisual basic projects from the system using search option. when i give *.vbp this also retrives projects. this gives me great problem. how to retrieve only vb projects. please help me.

What is the extension of visual basic projects?

How do I access a midi keyboard from visual basic 2005?

I want to be able to interact with a midi keyboard in either vb6 or vb2005. Any ideas?

How do I access a midi keyboard from visual basic 2005?
unfortunately there is not a namespace in VS that can be used for MIDI or any other more complicated sound playing or compression use.

I am almost finished with a .dll that will be able to compress, transmit, playback and save sounds. Its a serious app and very difficult to set up. Lots of reading for the api functions is needed.

If you are familiar with API functions I would be more than willing to work on this project with you so that you can create your own MIDI dll.

It should take about a week of reading and programming to create.

Give me a shout on yahoo IM:

my screen name is :ebred

playing cards

How do you load a second form in Visual Basic?

I'm trying to make a program for an online game i play to show the world map. It opens the first form with the main map and I want to be ablke to click on an image of say, an arrow, to go to the right. I made another form with what would be to the right but i can't figure out how to load that second form and get rid of the first one. any help appreciated. thanks.

How do you load a second form in Visual Basic?
(VB5/6) A simple way would be:

button_click() 'whatever you named the event button


end sub

Change the form names to whatever you named them.
Reply:OK; first I asume you created a form class like this:

class Form1: Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

public sub new()

Me.size=new Size(400,400)

Me.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None



end sub

end class

Then you create

class Form2: Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

public sub new()

Me.size=new Size(400,400)

Me.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None



end sub

end class

Then you instantiate Form1: dim f1= New Form1()

And when you want to get rid of this use this code:


then you show the second form:

dim f2= New Form2()

I hope it helps!
Reply:Do a .Hide and .Show to your two forms as another poster has already explained.

If you want the first form to still exist, but not be clickable, then when you do a .Show on the second form, add vbModal to the end, which means that the first one won't be clickable until the second form closes.

Hope this helps, best of luck to your project!

What is the best Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 tutorial that is free and available online?

I'm currently doing my internship and i need to brush up on my C#, so does anyone know where i can find free tutorials for Visual Studio 2005? ASP.NET 2.0 btw.. Cheers..

What is the best Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 tutorial that is free and available online?
i dunno about tutorials... i know of a few sites to get really good eBooks...

What is the generic symbol for the root directory in visual basic?

how can I indicate the root direcotry in a file path description when writing a visual basic macro?

What is the generic symbol for the root directory in visual basic?
You can try using the tilda ~ to indicate the current path as


this would indicate to use the subdirectory from the current application path

Or you can use the application object and extract what path info you need. This code extracts the root of the current dirve based upon the application path string

Private Sub cmdDir_Click()

Dim appPath, appRoot As String

Dim ay() As String

appPath = Me.Application.Path

ay = Split(appPath, ":")

appRoot = ay(0) %26amp; ":\"

End Sub
Reply:you should use a function wich shows the root directory

get help from MSDN

How to change a read-only property to a property that can be changed (Visual Basic 2005 Express)?

For example, the size, font family, etc. of Textbox1. The compiler keeps telling me they're read-only. How to make them changable?

How to change a read-only property to a property that can be changed (Visual Basic 2005 Express)?
You can in fact change Font properties at run-time. However, you cannot do it the same way as you did in Visual Basic 6.

In Visual Basic .NET, fonts are read-only at run-time — you cannot set the properties directly, but you can assign a new Font object:


' This next statement generates an error—property is read-only.

TextBox1.Font = Arial

' These next two statements are the correct way.

' Assign a Font object—Name and Size are required.

TextBox1.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 10)

' Assign additional attributes.

TextBox1.Font = New System.Drawing.Font(TextBox1.Font, FontStyle.Italic)

' Note: The Answers Editor does not always properly display information that is placed within parentheses.

' It sometimes truncates the enclosed expression.

' Please replace the above truncated parameters with:

' TextBox1.Font, FontStyle.Italic

Reply:The values in the properties are members they are read only at run time; however, you can assign a new object of the property type to you control.

In order to change certain properties at run time you have to: 1) create an object of the type of the property. 2) make changes to the values. 3) then assign the new object to the control.

Here is a simple sample I wrote. On the click of the button the size and font of the text box changes. The size of the button also changes.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim size As System.Drawing.Size

size = TextBox1.Size

size.Width = size.Width + 50

TextBox1.Size = size

size = Button1.Size

size.Height = size.Height + 200

Button1.Size = size

Dim f As System.Drawing.Font

f = New System.Drawing.Font("Comic Sans MS", 10, FontStyle.Bold)

TextBox1.Font = f

End Sub

graphics cards

Does anybody know what the code in Visual Basic is too have it execute a file?

For instance, I want to import a reg text file. So I want VB to execute file.reg and have the registry file import the settings into xp.

Does anybody know what the code in Visual Basic is too have it execute a file?
if it is vb I thnk it is


In VB .Net

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start _

Reply:Use the Run command of the Scripting host Shell Object.

In addition to launching .exes, it can launch document files if you have the proper association for the file type.

Note a syntax difference. Their example uses:


In VB, just say


Are there any master visual basic 6 programmers that can help me?

I am having this problem making this concentration game and was wondering if I could send you where I have gotten so far with my code by email, just give me you email address and I send it.


Are there any master visual basic 6 programmers that can help me?
Yes we can help you.

Contact us at
Reply:why not just post the source somewhere and have a link in this topic?

what exactly is the problem?

add the url to additional information, check as it has alot of useful information and code

Which book on visual basic is best to use?

I am a new programmer. I used some of the microsoft help to learn, but now I want to learn more advanced stuff. Not so advances, but slightly more advanced then loops and opening new projects. PLEASE HELP. The best answer will be the one that names the book, writer, and why and what it covers. Thanks.

Which book on visual basic is best to use?
Professional VB.NET, 2nd Edition

By.. Wrox Publishers

Book Description

Written and tested for the final release of .NET v1.0, this book explains the underlying philosophy and design of the .NET Framework and Common Language Runtime, and details the differences between Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET.

VB.NET is covered virtually from start to finish: beginning with an overview of the .NET Framework, and ending with best practices for deploying .NET applications. In between, everything from database access to integration with other technologies such as XML is covered. Each of these new features are investigated in detail. You will see that VB.NET has emerged as a powerful yet easy to use language that allows developers to target the Internet just as easily as the desktop.

You will learn how to:

- Develop applications and components using Visual Studio .NET

- Effectively apply inheritance and interfaces when designing objects and components

- Organize your code using namespaces

- Handle errors using the Try...Catch...Finally structure

- Access data using ADO.NET and bind controls to the underlying data sources

- Create Windows applications and custom Windows controls

- Interoperate with COM and ActiveX components

- Create transactional and queuing components

- Use .NET Remoting to exchange serialized objects between clients and servers

- Create Windows Services

- Use Visual Basic .NET to access information on the Web

- Create and consume Web Services

- Secure your applications and code using the tools provided in the .NET Framework SDK

- Arrange your applications and libraries in assemblies and deploy them using Visual Studio .NET

From the Publisher

This book is primarily aimed at experienced Visual Basic developers who are looking for an introduction to Visual Basic .NET and the .NET Framework.
Reply:You can download books for free from p2p.
Reply:complete reference...
Reply:Teach Yourself Visual Basic 6 in 21 Days: Complete Training Kit By Greg Perry.

I used that one and it taught me so much.

How can I add things in Visual Basic?

I am making an order form and I have a section of options that are checkboxes. I want to add the options (if they are selected) together and add them to the total. How can I do that?

How can I add things in Visual Basic?
One problem is that you are re-setting 'price' with each if statement instead of adding.

If CheckBox1.Checked Then

price = THICK_ENVELOPES 'price is now the value for thick_envelopes

End If

If CheckBox2.Checked Then

price = ENVELOPE_SEALS 'price is now the value for envelope_seals

End If

If CheckBox3.Checked Then

price = FOIL_ENVELOPES 'price is now the value for foil_envelopes

End If

So you need to use either 'price = price + variable or

price += variable

If CheckBox1.Checked Then

price = price + THICK_ENVELOPES 'price is now the value for thick_envelopes

End If

If CheckBox2.Checked Then

price = price + ENVELOPE_SEALS 'price is now the value for thick_envelopes PLUS envelope_seals

End If

If CheckBox3.Checked Then

price += FOIL_ENVELOPES 'price is now the value for foil_envelopes plus the previous total from thick_envelopes and envelope_seals

End If

hope that is clear
Reply:if statements

In java:

int total = 0;


total += checkbox1.value();

Reply:Scratch what I said before...

All you need to do to your calculating code is...


That's short term for "price = price + THICK_ENVELOPS"

Note: Make sure you do this for all your variable calculating lines of code.
Reply:Here is some code which will work for anynumber of check boxes you add into a groupbox.

The groupbox must only contain checkboxes and the value you wish to assign for each checkbox mut be the first characters in the text property. (OR you can place the value in the tag property of each check box and change the code to read itemval= val(chk.tag)

Because the checked property uses a value of zero to represent an unckecked box you can multiply the value times the checked property to set the itemval = to zero.

When checked the checked property has a value of -1 which is why the math.abs function is used

Dim chk As New CheckBox

Dim tot As Double

Dim itemVal As Double

tot = 0

For Each chk In Me.GroupBox1.Controls

'object is a check box

'chk = obj 'copy the object into a checkbox variable

itemVal = Val(chk.Text) 'extract the value from the checkbox text

itemVal = itemVal * Math.Abs(CInt(chk.Checked)) 'Boolean false = 0

'Boolean is either a zero or one which will result in

'in either itemVale * 1 OR itemVal * 0

tot = tot + itemVal 'totalize the values


Label1.Text = tot

botanical garden

Where can I find a Wavelet image compression and decomposition code for visual basic 6 ?

I need the code for my graduation project, Wavelet image compression code is needed for Visual Basic 6 ... please help

Where can I find a Wavelet image compression and decomposition code for visual basic 6 ?
You know, the Haar Wavelet is very easy to code. Although there are wavelet bases that might be better suited to images, you might consider just writing this code yourself. This might actually be easier than trying to locate a visual basic implementation. Why are you writing this in basic, anyway?

To get started, type "wavelet tutorial" into google, and you'll see a whole bunch of links. They'll probably all talk about the Haar basis, and probably use it as an example of the 2D wavelet, which is what you want.

How can I use the File Writer filter from Visual Basic or Java?

I know about a dll call FSFWrap, but I couldn't get it to work. The real issue is How can I use the File Writer fiter from Java. I can create a java wrapper around any COM object. So if you can get it to work in VB via COM, i can get it to work in Java...

How can I use the File Writer filter from Visual Basic or Java?
What version VB? What are you trying to do with it, exactly? your question wasn't complete.

What are the elements of a code window in Visual Basic?

Please enumarate and give a description for each. And as much as possible, please post your sources.

Thanks for the help. :D

What are the elements of a code window in Visual Basic?
Do your own homework !!
Reply:Visual Basic :Lesson 1 -5
Reply:Home work night is it?

How can I learn visual basic if the software is so, so very expensive?

MS Visual Basic

How can I learn visual basic if the software is so, so very expensive?
you could also try a program called Blender, its from some collage and its free. it's shoudn't be too hard to find.

look at
Reply:At the UF college of engineering, they let us download stuff like that for free.

Maybe Microsoft offers a trial version. If all else fails, you can "borrow" it on BitTorrent or eDonkey.
Reply:hey good hobby its a fun language you don't have to pay for vbbecause its a free student version you can download from Microsoft just do a google search on it but the only think you can not turn your programs into a EXE file to be used on other computers unless it has vb

wild flowers

How to send an e-mail using Visual Basic 2005 Express?

In webpages, I can use PHP to send an e-mail using a fom, correct? Now, how to do a similar thing using a Windows Application made by Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition. Please refer to the sumbit button as "Button1" and to the

How to send an e-mail using Visual Basic 2005 Express?
Public Shared Sub SendHtmlMessage(ByVal ToEmail As String, ByVal ToName As String, _

ByVal FromEmail As String, ByVal FromName As String, _

ByVal Subject As String, ByVal MessageBody As String, _

Optional ByVal BccEmail As String = "", Optional ByVal BccName As String = "")

Dim ToAddress As New Mail.MailAddress(ToEmail, ToName)

Dim FromAddress As New Mail.MailAddress(FromEmail, FromName)

Dim MessageToSend As New Mail.MailMessage(FromAddress, ToAddress)

With MessageToSend

.IsBodyHtml = True

.Subject = Subject

.Body = MessageBody

.ReplyTo = New Mail.MailAddress("", "Name")

If BccEmail.Trim %26lt;%26gt; "" And BccName.Trim %26lt;%26gt; "" Then

.Bcc.Add(New Mail.MailAddress(BccEmail, BccName))

ElseIf BccEmail.Trim %26lt;%26gt; "" Then

.Bcc.Add(New Mail.MailAddress(BccEmail))

End If

End With

Dim MailObj As New Mail.SmtpClient

MailObj.Host = "ExchangeServerIP"

Reply:Got to microsoft and get tutorials and find out how.

How to check text on a website in visual basic 6?

I'm trying to build a program to check if a certain word or text is on a website

then if the word is found it display a message box

,but I don't know how to make it check if the word/string exist

How to check text on a website in visual basic 6?
You'll want to use the InStr() function. With this function you can look at one string and find the position of a substring inside it! For example...

InStr(1,"Hello World!","World")

would return the integer 7, because that's the starting position of the substring "World" in the string "Hello World!"

More usage examples:

InStr(1,"Hello World!","o") returns 5

InStr(6,"Hello World!","o") returns 8, because that '6' tells it to start looking for the substring at/after the 6th character in the string.

You'll want to look in the specifications for the HTML DOM

(Document Object Model) and find the methods and properties of that Document Object, and then determine where on the page you want to find that string.

Happy Trails!

Can I use SQL Server 2005 with Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition?

I have a full SQL Server 2005 installed on my PC and I want to create an application with Visual basic Express Edition using databases created with my SQL Server. is that posible?

Can I use SQL Server 2005 with Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition?
Yes, this is supported.

What code do you use to check a date from a Microsoft Access Database in Visual Basic 6?

I need to know because i need to make sure that the date is not booked twice

What code do you use to check a date from a Microsoft Access Database in Visual Basic 6?
Ask Microsoft
Reply:Just compare one date with the other thus: date1 = date2

like comparing strings or numbers.
Reply:Try the IsDate() function.

See here :

Hope that helps!


How do I open a new form in Visual Basic?

I need to make it so that when a player presses a button it asks for the filepath of a certain file. Can anyone help me?

How do I open a new form in Visual Basic?
To open the form, put formName.Show() in the button click event.

However, to get the path of a file, you'll need an OpenFileDialog. To show that, just use OpenFileDialogName.ShowDialog().
Reply:In the Design, you need to click on Add Form in the Project menu. Design the new form as per your requirements.

In the Code for button_click, write:

Form1.Visible = False

Form2.Visible =True

Hope this helps,

In Visual Basic, how do i make a picture box control respond to a mouse click?

its getting pretty frustrating.

In Visual Basic, how do i make a picture box control respond to a mouse click?
Private Sub Picture1_Click()

'Code goes here

End Sub

If you need to tell where the user clicked, or what button was pressed, use MouseDown or MouseUp.

How To Change Visual Basic Web Browser Url ?


Can Any One Tell Me How To Change The Web Browser Url

In Visual Basic Using Textbox.Text Because I Tried Many To Do It But I Couldn't ""Can't Convert "String To System.Uri""


How To Change Visual Basic Web Browser Url ?
Dim instance As WebBrowser

' Navigates to the given URL if it is valid.

Private Sub Navigate(ByVal address As String)

If String.IsNullOrEmpty(address) Then Return

If address.Equals("about:blank") Then Return

If Not address.StartsWith("http://") And _

Not address.StartsWith("https://") Then

address = "http://" %26amp; address

End If


webBrowser1.Navigate(New Uri(address))

Catch ex As System.UriFormatException


End Try

End Sub

' Updates the URL in TextBoxAddress upon navigation.

Private Sub webBrowser1_Navigated(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As WebBrowserNavigatedEventArgs) _

Handles webBrowser1.Navigated

toolStripTextBox1.Text = webBrowser1.Url.ToString()

End Sub

' Navigates to the URL in the address box when

' the ENTER key is pressed while the ToolStripTextBox has focus.

Private Sub toolStripTextBox1_KeyDown( _

ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyEventArgs) _

Handles toolStripTextBox1.KeyDown

If (e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter) Then


End If

End Sub

' Navigates to the URL in the address box when

' the Go button is clicked.

Private Sub goButton_Click( _

ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _

Handles goButton.Click


End Sub


In visual basic, how do you run the programs you create independently on other machines?

I have tried to run the .exe file in my program that i have created in visual basic and it say error, must terminate the program, it runs fine on my computer which has visual basic on it, do you have to have visual basic on your computer to run your programs you create in visual basic?

In visual basic, how do you run the programs you create independently on other machines?
If it is written in VB 2005 you will need the .net framework 2.0 installed on the computer you want to run it on.
Reply:Most versions come with some sort of PACKAGE AND DEPLOYMENT WIZARD...In older versions, it had another name, the APPLICATION SETUP WIZARD. Find this program, and run your Visual BASIC program through that. It will create a SETUP.EXE file that will install all of the necessary components (RUNTIME LIBRARIES, ACTIVE X CONTROLS, DLLs, etc.) on the computer without Visual BASIC.

rose garden

How to lock or completely hide a folder or file using Visual basic?

well if itspornsome computer will not hide it i learnd the hard way :(

In Visual Basic How can you add an excel spreadsheet?

I want to store passwords in an editable excel spreadsheet. I need to do something like an addon. Help Please.

User With the Best answer will get 30 pts

In Visual Basic How can you add an excel spreadsheet?
that is not very secure, if someone gains access to your web directory all your passwords will be compromised. You would be far better off using a database table.

What website gives you free software tutorials on how to learn visual basic?

There are some sites out there with snippets on how to learn some visual basic, But i doubt there is any free. Sorry.

Thanks and I hope this helps.

(Check some links in the source for some free ones)

What website gives you free software tutorials on how to learn visual basic?

Comprehensive list of tutorials:


The Code Project - Free Source Code and Tutorials:

Sams Teach Yourself...




How can I make 2 records from the same field show in caption in Visual Basic 6?

I'm making a school enrollment system and I put all the subjects in the same field in a database. Now, I want to view all these subjects in the captions of the Checkboxes. Please help!!!

How can I make 2 records from the same field show in caption in Visual Basic 6?
Perhaps you can try this

Private Sub Check1_Click()

DIm subjectName as String




End Sub

When the user click on the checkbox, the subject will change .

I haven't try it out, but I think it may work fine.

To learn more about Visual Basic, please visit my free VB tutorial web site at

It has many quality lessons and tons of sample programs.

pink flowers

Is there anyone who can send me a whole program which is written in visual basic?

The program must be related to local networks.

Is there anyone who can send me a whole program which is written in visual basic?

choose the vb/ drop-down item and use "network" as a search term.

What do I need to know to create a memory resident program with Visual Basic?


Specifically, I want to create a memory resident program which will do a COPY to the Clipboard by **merely highlighting** text (ready to PASTE) without the need for CTRL-C.

Background: Many years of programming, but fairly new to VB.

Additional question: is there an existing freeware utility for the above? (I wish to learn about mem resident programming in VB regardless).

TIA! :)


What do I need to know to create a memory resident program with Visual Basic?
If you intend to capture text from other applications (this is why you probably refer to mem resident), I don't think it can be done at all, certainly not VB.

The closest would be that you have an background app that monitors whether Shift is held down, then checks the active window and sees what is selected. This will work fine for text boxes and maybe a set of other controls, but to support other sources as Word, Excel etc you would need a HUGE select case. I'd recommend only VC++ for the purpose, VB would be a bottleneck for the system.
Reply:There is a way in VB to copy the highlighted text to the clipboard. Here are some code that might be useful for you:

Sub Main()

Dim myString As String

myString = "1234" // This can be your highlighted text

//Clear the contents of the Clipboard.


// Copy selected text to Clipboard.

Clipboard.SetText myString

End Sub

Of you can use the following piece of code:

Sub mnuCut_Click ()

' empty the clipboard


' copy the selected text to the clipboard

Clipboard.SetText txtBox.SelText

' and remove the selected text

txtBox.SelText = ""

End Sub

Sub mnuCopy_Click ()

' empty the clipboard


' and copy the selected text to the clipboard

Clipboard.SetText txtBox.SelText

End Sub

Sub mnuPaste_Click ()

' paste clipboad text into document

txtBox.SelText = Clipboard.GetText()

End Sub

Hope this helps

How can I generate sound through Visual Basic?

I'd like to begin programming something to for music creation, starting perhaps with a simple sine wave generator. Is this possible through VB (2008)?

How can I generate sound through Visual Basic?
Take a look at this CodeProject article. It's in C#, but it should be pretty easy for you to understand:

How Can I Upgrade my Visual Basic 6.0 Working Edition to have a compiler?

I've been using visual basic 6 working editin for a while now, and i've created quite a few programs. Now, I want to compile these projects into .exe files so that everyone can use them; how can i download the compiler to the working edition, or upgrade it? Please note that i do not with to upgrade to .net or 2005, i wish to stay with vb 6.0

How Can I Upgrade my Visual Basic 6.0 Working Edition to have a compiler?
Free compilers:

Listed on this web page are some free BASIC/VB/VB.NET compilers, interpreters, Visual Basic clones, and development environments (IDEs) which you can use to develop programs using the BASIC programming language.


Also, check out for some not so expensive versions of Studio 6 (under $250.00)

night garden

How do I display ms access table info on Visual basic 2005?

I am trying to write a program on VB 2005 that will pull info from a MS Access table and display it, then update any changes made on the VB program into the table.

How do I display ms access table info on Visual basic 2005?
There's lots of examples of this -- you'd access the access database like any other data object. The editing can be tricky, but .NET has wizards for that to do simple Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete functions (CRUD, for short)

I have an error while using the Visual Basic 2005 Professional?

Whenever I try to compile a program in Visual Basic 2005 Professional, I get an error message which reads like this:

"Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging

The binding handle is invalid."

I have an error while using the Visual Basic 2005 Professional?
Start the Terminal Services in the Computer Management panel manually.

How can you donwload the text file of a internet website through visual basic?

I'm trying to make a program that will automatically do stuff on a website, but i need it to automatically download the source code so it can read from it, how can i do that?

How can you donwload the text file of a internet website through visual basic?
the body in the source file can be found by using


the title can be found


the text in the website can be found




Any one tell me how to attach visual basic to other application?

I have been trying to connect visual basic to other application. but i don't know how to do so. please help me.

Any one tell me how to attach visual basic to other application?
You have used the Make command on the File menu to create an executable VB application.


You can use either System.Diagnostic.Process Start("C:\myapp.exe")

or Shell("c:\Myapp.exe")


To run another application from your application, use the

System.Diagnostics.Process class. It is not necessary to create an instance of the Process class to use it.

Simply pass a string containing the app you wish to run, to the process, as below:

Process.Start( "myapp.exe" );



Imports System.Diagnostics


Dim psi As New ProcessStartInfo()

psi.UseShellExecute = True

psi.FileName = "C:\bla.html"



Starting an application from C#:

If you want to start an application, you can simply call:


Or, in VB.NET, call:

Reply:create exe of this vb applicatiion and u can call exe in vc++,.net and java too

flower bouquet

How do i convert a number in binary to decimal using visual basic code?

If it is in a variable, just print it.

If it is a binary string, you multiply each position by its power of 2 and sum them

How to Format all drivers in Visual Basic Code without quata?

Visual Basic Code is very important for us. bcause somtetimes its help us as a Friend. How to Format All Driver using the Code of Visual Basic?

How to Format all drivers in Visual Basic Code without quata?
format c:, format d:, etc.

then reboot, put in a linux disc, and install it.

you'll have a much better time, i'm sure.

flower delivery

How do you use a variable in visual basic so that you can use it on two forms under one solution?

Like a custom input box.

How do you use a variable in visual basic so that you can use it on two forms under one solution?
There are three ways of doing this.

1. On the second form.

Private Var as Object

Public Sub New(Variable as Object)

Var = Variable

End Sub

2. On the first form

Form2.Tag = Variable

Then use the tag on the second Form.

3. Set up another class or module.

Public Variable as Object

In form1

Variable = Var

I suggest using my first sample since that uses Object Orient Standards.
Reply:Been quite a bit of time since the VB days but if my memory serves correctly, you just need to add a "module". Create your variable there using "Public" for the variable type.

ex. Public yourvariable as String

How do you add the windows xp theme to visual basic 6?

I am going crazy I need to know how to do this.

I don't want a link to know how to do it unless it is step by step.

and I don't want any useless comments saying like go buy a book. I really need step by step instructions and on how to do this.

I am running portable eddition

How do you add the windows xp theme to visual basic 6?
Previous answer - stop smoking crack =)

The Windows XP Visual Styles are provided by ComCtl32.dll version 6 or later. (In fact, anyone who is as old as me and remembers back to Visual Basic 3 may find this familiar, since the exciting 3D control look which was provided with Windows 95 was also implemented in the same way). Note that unlike previous versions of this DLL, version 6 is not redistributable - which sadly means you can only use the visual styles on an operating system that has this version installed.

Link to ComCtl first

Private Type tagInitCommonControlsEx

lngSize As Long

lngICC As Long

End Type

Private Declare Function InitCommonControlsEx Lib "comctl32.dll" _

(iccex As tagInitCommonControlsEx) As Boolean

Private Const ICC_USEREX_CLASSES = %26amp;H200

Public Function InitCommonControlsVB() As Boolean

On Error Resume Next

Dim iccex As tagInitCommonControlsEx

' Ensure CC available:

With iccex

.lngSize = LenB(iccex)


End With

InitCommonControlsEx iccex

InitCommonControlsVB = (Err.Number = 0)

On Error Goto 0

End Function

Public Sub Main()



' Start your application here:


End Sub

You also will need a manifest file for it.

%26lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?%26gt;

%26lt;assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"%26gt;





type="win32" /%26gt;

%26lt;description%26gt;Your application description here%26lt;/description%26gt;









language="*" /%26gt;



Reply:The answer is simple. You don't.

All the stuff on the inside of the form is rendered in the VB6 runtime library, which cannot be modified. That means ALL visual objects. Certain elements (title bar, window extremities) will adjust to pick up the modifications in XP or Vista, but most of them will not change.

This was by design, likely to prevent having to slightly adjust form elements for each different OS.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Visual Basic Express 2005/08 - How do I publish my app. so it installs under program files?

When I publish and then install my visual basic 2005 or 2008 application, it installs under the local user profile. How do I set it so it installs into the program files directory? or for that matter, any directory I choose. and can I publish it so that it will install under a directory that the user chooses? Thanks

Visual Basic Express 2005/08 - How do I publish my app. so it installs under program files?
You can't. The Visual Basic Express tool only creates packages that install under the local user profile. You need to either purchase the full version, or use an external packaging tool.

You should take a look at this open source installer:
Reply:I'm not sure of VB05/08 (I still use VB6) but I'm pretty sure if you want the best custom designed installer, compile your app as all the files, then write your own installer in VB again and figure out how to install with your install app, your actuall app. I've done that in VB6, not too hard with resource files.

How do i adjust the cell size in excel using Visual basic?

i want to get the cell sizes of every column in one sheet and apply these values to the corresponding columns in a new sheet.

How do i adjust the cell size in excel using Visual basic?
If the second sheet is blank you can create your own macro (I use z for Shortcut) by starting by dragging the mouse across all of the column heading letters (in gray area) then click copy. Now go to the second sheet and do a paste-special -ALL and it will set these col widths like sheet one. If you pasted data into sheet 2 then you can include the steps to highlight the entire area where you need the cells to be blank then click Delete. You can now stop the macro recording.

You can now test it by doing a CTRL-z.

Below is the VB code I used to set 5 column widths and I did not add the delete data lines.





Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False _

, Transpose:=False


How do i program in visual basic express 2008?

i have a project regarding a small system to be done in visual basic 2008 which im not familiar with and i do not know how to insert values in the database through the user interface..i have the text boxes already but i cant insert the values in the database..can someone please help..THNX

How do i program in visual basic express 2008?
I highly suggest up read up on ADO.NET!

That has all the capabilities you need to write to a table in a database.

wholesale flowers

Any tips on working with Visual Basic?

I have to do some course work using visual basic any tips

Any tips on working with Visual Basic?
Always use a few VB textbooks to guide you. Go through their tutorials. Basically there are a few things you need to know about programming. You need to learn about variables, function and sub procedures, decision structures. Once you have mastered them, you will be on a roll :)
Reply:Do some database stuff

or any device control system using bluetooth
Reply:Try out these links
Reply:Search for "VB Code" on the web for sample of how to do things. My personal favorite site:

How to create a webbrowser with tabs, favorite menu and popup blocker in Visual Basic 6?

Making a web browser is very very very very difficult. However luckily for you, you don't want to make what most people would call "making a web browser" which is making the rendering engine. It sounds like you are more interested in making a user interface for a browser which is much easier. Visual Basic even comes in with a built in internet explorer control that lets you use IE in your own applications.

However if you want something to play around with and have some fresh ideas, you might want to try writing an extension for Mozilla Firefox, a web browser that lets you write all kinds of plugins for it in javascript.

You should know javascript, if you don't already. If nothing else, you can't make a web browser without knowing how to get your browser to speak it ;)

How to create a webbrowser with tabs, favorite menu and popup blocker in Visual Basic 6?
This video on YouTube should get you started:

If you would rather read a step-by-step tutorial:
Reply:I do not think Visual Basic 6 is a good idea, but it should not be too hard since it has all of the windows interfaces built in.
Reply:Sounds like Mozilla Firefox, but I don't know how to MAKE it. Sorry

Does someone know how i can open this visual basic project?


I have a project that was done on visual studio 2005 im trying to open it in visual basic 2008, is there any way i could do that ??

Does someone know how i can open this visual basic project?
When you are in 2008, open the project. Once you open it, the system will ask you if you want to upgrade. Say yes. Review the changes and continue having fun!

How to obtain license for Visual Basic 6 for my applications.?

I want to use Visual Basic 6 for developing my applications. The problem is I haven't bought Visual Basic 6 so far. Microsoft has discontinued the sale of VB6. Can you please let me know that if I buy the VB 2005, will it make me eligible to use the previous version obtained for illegal resource or buying MSDN can provide me VB6. Or I should go for an Enterprise edition of Visual Studio. I hope my question is not fuuny. LOL. Please try to give some online reference in support to your answer.

How to obtain license for Visual Basic 6 for my applications.?
Pull over!!!

Driving Visual Basic 6 without a license, huh?

Gonna have to write you a ticket.
Reply:Don't worry about it. Just compile your project and sell it. The chances of getting caught are slimmer than a slim jim. Report It

state flower

Where can I get a free Visual Basic script program?

...or do i actually have to buy Visual Basic?

Where can I get a free Visual Basic script program?
you get it free from
Reply:There is a program call Microsoft Visual Studio Express, it is free to use. The package includes Visual Basic, C, C++.

You can find it here if you want

Reply:Try daniweb

How to connect Microsoft Access database to visual basic?

How to connect Microsoft Access database to visual basic?? i need the code snippet

How to connect Microsoft Access database to visual basic?
First of we have to create ODBC datasource in Control Panel -%26gt; Administrative Tools -%26gt; Data Source (ODBC). And select the Add to create the data source name and MS - Access Driver. And use it in VB with ADODC control from Components.

Use this link for coding VB

Hi, what is the simplest way to write the master mind game code for visual basic?

For instance,with 5 possible colors and 4 positions,the guess would be for the right position and with the right colors combination too...:) using an input text and assigning numbers for randomizing to colors(not string randomizing)...

Hi, what is the simplest way to write the master mind game code for visual basic?
I can't completely understand you but I think your saying you must guess between 1 to 5 and 1 to 4 and get them both right.

Place this code under a command button. It will keep asking you to guess between 1 and 5 and 1 and 4 until you get both.

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim OnetoFiveRandom As Integer

Dim OnetoFourRandom As Integer

Dim Inputguess1 As Integer

Dim Inputguess2 As Integer

Randomize Timer

OnetoFiveRandom = Int(Rnd * 5) + 1

OnetoFourRandom = Int(Rnd * 4) + 1

Do Until Inputguess1 = OnetoFiveRandom And Inputguess2 = OnetoFourRandom

Inputguess1 = InputBox("Guess a number between 1 and 5.", "Guess")

Inputguess2 = InputBox("Guess a number between 1 and 4.", "Guess")

If Inputguess1 = OnetoFiveRandom Then

MsgBox "Your 1 to 5 is correct"

End If

If Inputguess2 = OnetoFourRandom Then

MsgBox "Your 1 to 4 is correct"

End If


MsgBox "You win."

End Sub

Where can i find visual basic 6 enterptrise to download 4 free?

i need vb 6 enterprise 2 download like desperately but cant find it. where can i look?

Where can i find visual basic 6 enterptrise to download 4 free?
You cant download it for free AND legally.

So just buy it..... or use a bittorrent client to umm.... share it.
Reply:try googling!! copy and paste the following phrase in google :

visual basic 6 enterprise ""

with the quotes and then go to each site and download each file separately (if you dont have rapidshare account)

song meanings

How do you code an AlphaNumeric error in Visual Basic?

I need to know how to code an AlphaNumeric error in Visual Studio.NET. My assignment was to create a guessing game. There are several versions that I had to create. The last version requires you to set up an AlphaNumeric error and an Out-of-Bounds error. How do I do this?

How do you code an AlphaNumeric error in Visual Basic?
You do this using the Variant data type. In most other languages, you return an impossible value of the same type when there is an error (e.g., -1 if a substring is not found). If you return an impossible value, make sure it is truly impossible for your use.

How can i disable ctrl alt delete in vista using visual basic?

I am wanting to write an application that will lock the desktop so that only my application is showing it is to demo something in a public place and I dont want people bypassing and going on the web,

How can i disable ctrl alt delete in vista using visual basic?
You may want to think about creating a virtual desktop that spawns when the test is started. Just spawn the test program alone on that desktop and even if they were to hit C+A+D it would only appear on the default desktop which would be unavailable to them. Setup your own super secret Hotkey combination to get back to the deafult desktop. This will also help you lock out most users from even attempting to change anything.

Check out this section for more information on setting it up.
Reply:Does not work...

Vista creates a desktop for its I-dunno-what-that-is-calls.

You can try it with the demo program here: Report It

Reply:It should be noted that it is physically impossible to disable the Ctrl+Alt+Delete shortcut as only the kernel recognises it. While you can disguise the computer so the task manager fails to come up (which, it has to be said, is more of a bug than a feature), an experienced user could bypass this if they really wanted to. Basically, never assume security by obscurity, and put in some fallback measures to prevent misuse (e.g. firewalling port 80).

What are the codes I should use to have a module in the program that I created using visual basic 6.0?

It is a program similar to the typical cashier found in coffee shops.

What are the codes I should use to have a module in the program that I created using visual basic 6.0?
A module is a code file that doesn't have a form. You don't use any codes, you just add a module to the project.

Visual Basic: When making an ActiveX control, how do you add comments to properties without using the wizard?

I've made ActiveX controls using the wizard before, but I want to do it without now. How do I add comments which appear in the Properties pane when using the control on a form?

Visual Basic: When making an ActiveX control, how do you add comments to properties without using the wizard?
Hello good question!

Lets say you have a property that gets and sets a variable that is a boolean ( for this example we will introduce a property that checks if the User is in university or not, just a simple bool).

You can do this:


[Category("My New Category"),

Description("Indicates whether the person is in University"),


public bool InUniversity


get { return _universityStatus; }

set { _universityStatus = value; }


private bool _universityStatus;


We introduced META tags which will describe this property.

Category: Creates a category subpanel that your component/control property will be visible.

Description: The description of that property will be visible on the bottom as a help (which you need)

DefaultValue: The default value that is active on that properties panel

That is it. Very nice and simple, yet quick way to add description attribute to your public properties.

I hope that helped. Good Luck
Reply:so you want to see the active X's code? did you try importing the active X control using another project?


How to convert a source code to documenting code in visual basic?

are you referring to Pseudocode? If so then a simple example would be:

VB6 code:



If txt_Login.text="fred" then

show frm_application


msgbox "Invalid Username"

end if

end sub



if ValidName is fred

Log in to users account


show a Login Fail message

end if

(sorry about layout Yahoo! Answers text boxes dont allow for Tabs/Multiple spaces lol)

How to convert a source code to documenting code in visual basic?
You need to be more specific - I don't quite understand what you are asking. Are you asking how to document your source code? Please post more details.

How do download and install " visual basic scripting support" for my intetnet explorer?

iam using microsoft internet explorer 5 (version No.5.00.2614.3500). when iam entering any website the dialogue box shows " to disply this page correctly, you need download and install " visual basic scripting support".

How do download and install " visual basic scripting support" for my intetnet explorer?
perhaps you should update Windows and/or IE( )

Note: If possible, update to IE6. And of possible don't use IE at all, use alternative browser.

Click able Button through an image box in visual basic?

I'm trying to make an music player in visual basic to act like an iPod. Where I set the button behind the image box and it is still click able.

If anyone has any ideas on how to do this it would help a bit.

Click able Button through an image box in visual basic?
If you are using Visual Studio Express (it's free) then look in the properties window and set the background image of your button to your image.

Alternatively thorugh code...

button1.Image = Image.FromFile("C:\Graphics\MyBitmap.bmp...

What is the difference between Show and Showdialog in visual basic?

I am sure that dialog has something to do with words babe. lol


What is the difference between Show and Showdialog in visual basic?
show opens up a new window (e.g.

showdialog doesn't open a new windows. it will just show a dialog box containing texts you put in it. it is usually done when you put your mouse cursor over the object. it is like adding notes or preview of what a user may actually do on the object.
Reply:Here's the difference. Show displays a form non-modally. That means that the user can navigate away from the form, to another one in your application (if you have one).

Showdialog opens the form up modally. That means that the user cannot go to any other form in your app before the modal form is closed. The user can go to another application running on his system, of course.

Modal dialogs are like yes/no, ok/cancel things where you want the answer before you can proceed processing. Nonmodal ones are where the user is to have fully control, entering data, perhaps using menus to direct the course of processing himself.

playing cards

How do you add the windows xp theme to visual basic 6?

I am going crazy I need to know how to do this.

I don't want a link to know how to do it unless it is step by step.

and I don't want any useless comments saying like go buy a book. I really need step by step instructions and on how to do this.

I am running portable eddition

How do you add the windows xp theme to visual basic 6?
Previous answer - stop smoking crack =)

The Windows XP Visual Styles are provided by ComCtl32.dll version 6 or later. (In fact, anyone who is as old as me and remembers back to Visual Basic 3 may find this familiar, since the exciting 3D control look which was provided with Windows 95 was also implemented in the same way). Note that unlike previous versions of this DLL, version 6 is not redistributable - which sadly means you can only use the visual styles on an operating system that has this version installed.

Link to ComCtl first

Private Type tagInitCommonControlsEx

lngSize As Long

lngICC As Long

End Type

Private Declare Function InitCommonControlsEx Lib "comctl32.dll" _

(iccex As tagInitCommonControlsEx) As Boolean

Private Const ICC_USEREX_CLASSES = %26amp;H200

Public Function InitCommonControlsVB() As Boolean

On Error Resume Next

Dim iccex As tagInitCommonControlsEx

' Ensure CC available:

With iccex

.lngSize = LenB(iccex)


End With

InitCommonControlsEx iccex

InitCommonControlsVB = (Err.Number = 0)

On Error Goto 0

End Function

Public Sub Main()



' Start your application here:


End Sub

You also will need a manifest file for it.

%26lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?%26gt;

%26lt;assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"%26gt;





type="win32" /%26gt;

%26lt;description%26gt;Your application description here%26lt;/description%26gt;









language="*" /%26gt;



Reply:The answer is simple. You don't.

All the stuff on the inside of the form is rendered in the VB6 runtime library, which cannot be modified. That means ALL visual objects. Certain elements (title bar, window extremities) will adjust to pick up the modifications in XP or Vista, but most of them will not change.

This was by design, likely to prevent having to slightly adjust form elements for each different OS.

Can anyone tell me how to change appearence in Visual Basic?

Please tell me if I can change the appearence of form from rectangle to my defined style, change appearence of buttons and add animation etc in it. Can u please also suggest me a site or two where i can download Visaul Basic tutorials.

Can anyone tell me how to change appearence in Visual Basic?
The place to be is vbforums

Woka has done a nice tutorial on skinning forms in the codebank there

Chances are that any of your (VB) questions will already have been answered there.

Use the search function and find what you need.

If not there are hundreds of active users willing to answer your question.

How do I make a menu and login access for users in Visual Basic?

Hello, I need to make a program in VB... I already made some forms with some tables,but I need to add those to a menu, and also need to make the users to see only some specific options of that menu, depending of their profile.

I would appreciate any help, any link, etc.

I am a beginner.



How do I make a menu and login access for users in Visual Basic?
what you are askng is to much to be writen but i'll help can get your code so i could work on it am serious bout it but you can try these site:


Reply:you should use database , my sql is best option

you can also find best source code's here :

Can a label in Visual Basic have a scrollbar?

Actually, how can i display paragraphs as a single text story in a small forn?

Can a label in Visual Basic have a scrollbar?
No a label does not have a scrollbar.

You can use the Textbox and RichTextBox and add the scrollbars in the properties. You also want to set the ReadOnly Property to True.
Reply:Use a textbox. Set the scrollbars property to vertical and (if applicable) set the multi-line property to true.

graphics cards

Is there a reason that Visual Basic (and variants) boolean data type is 16bit and not a single bit?

Most of the languages I've worked with use a single bit for the boolean data type, it's either set (1) for true or isn't (0) for false. At least that's my understanding of it.

But VB and it's variations use a signed 16 bit integer for a boolean data type, setting it as 0x0000 (0) for false and 0xFFFF (1) for true.

Why does VB use those extra 15 bits? Would it not be somewhat easier and space saving to use single bit booleans?

Sorry if I seem dense.

Is there a reason that Visual Basic (and variants) boolean data type is 16bit and not a single bit?
True it would save space but then you're limited. In fact too limited for a GUI type interface (in the minds of MS).

Microsoft has always been in the graphical user interface arena a space hog. Their OS uses too much memory and now you know why. Other GUI utilize a lot less RAM to do the same thing but for whatever reason they have decided on this enormous amount of programing to get things done.
Reply:You're not dense: that doesn't make a lot of sense. On 32 bit machines, using 32 bit variables usually speeds up execution, even if you only intend to use 1 bit. In that case, it would make sense if bool were 32 bit. Maybe it is 16 because it harkens back to 16 bit computing days... Using 1 bit would be the more memory saving option, it's the minimum amount we can use, at the expense of extra instruction cycles.
Reply:I hope that You know that any variables used in a program are name for memory locations. i.e. all variables are stored in memory. In Memory architecture, you may have heard that, memory is either byte addressed or word addressed. Generally, memory is word addressable, i.e, the smallest unit of storage that can be accessed as a unit is a word . A word of memory is generally 16-bit in older computer to 64-bit in modern computer. So, boolean variable in older architecture (operating system) takes 16 bit.

What is the proper extension if you make a program using Visual Basic?

I don't know how to do it! I'm a beginner, and I want to make a program. From .exe to others, I don't know how to use them!!!!!

how to answer: Please give me MORE info!!!! Extensions and more and their uses..... please list all websites you know that have that and more...please answer this!

What is the proper extension if you make a program using Visual Basic?
Let me start my answer with explaining what is a file extension ?

A tag of three or four letters, preceded by a period, which identifies a

data file's format or the application used to create the file.

File extensions can streamline the process of locating data. This helps users to quickly determine

the type of data stored in the file.

For example : .txt for text files, .ppt for powerpoint file, .exe for executable program

VB : Visual basic is a programing language created my Microsoft, which is event driven in nature.

It gives you GUI graphical user interface to make development easy. Code can be

written easily by just dragging and dropping objects on screen.

you can get more information about various file extensions for vb or any other

application from

In VB you can make project, then add forms and objects on forms like text boxes etc.

you will good help on how to make an application using vb in the help menu

you will need Microsoft visual studio installed on your machine.

you can get VB tutorials from and

Hope you will find it useful.
Reply:A vb program before it is compiled will have (at the very least) a .frm and a .vbx file. The .frm file(s) contain the code, and object properties. The .vbx file is the project file that describes what files comprise the project, and some other global variables. Once it is compiled, you'll have a .exe file, which is the application your users will run. When you distribute the application, you'll want to include the runtime library of vb components necessary for your project to run, and an installation routine that makes sure these files are in the proper locations on the user's computer.

There should be documentation included with your copy of VB. Otherwise, there is free reference material for the current release of VB available at Microsoft's MSDN website.
Reply:There are the command under the Project menu, click publish.(this will vary depending on the version on VB u use). Some may not have this menu, and some may have(Professional Ones must have).If U dont find it, please try on other menu and look for the 'publish' command. Here u will see the options: publish source code, etc., select whichever applicable.

Website and MORE?? ---you are scaring me, that's all i know,

and if you still dont get what you want, please dont 'eat' me!

What is the difference between visual basic 2005 and php?

i am starting to study vb 2005 but some friends of mine are encouraging me to study php instead. any idea which is better for database programming?

What is the difference between visual basic 2005 and php?
vb is a microsoft language for windows based programming useful for desktop applications.

php is a scriptling language used for web based applications. It works on Linux and Windows both.

in simple php is for web and vb is for windows. Both have good interface with databases. i.e. vb goes well with SQL Server and PHP with mySQL server.


Shishir Gupta
Reply:your question tell's me you are so biggner, so i will answer you that can be understandable by you. 2005 is a windows software laungage. like u can make windows base applications. for example. msoffice, or Msn, outlook express are windows base application

Php is a web laungage. any application work in internet explorer . like this yahoo answer. or forums, youtube, online billing . online purchasing, some application of company which is online, (online = in internet that u can open in internet) can be made on Php.

if u ask my seguession. i think if u are really biggneer. go for Php or Asp(Active Server Pager, a kind of equillant to Php or in easy way an other popular web laungage), go for any of them. .

y i am saying to web programming cause now internet plays an important role in business. now internet is acceable to every one... and WAFI make it usage twice. even in mobiles u can get catch wafi internet for free.. so now in future i am for sure web is doing an important in our socity.

but in the end

the decision is urs
Reply:php runs on the server and Vb runs on the client, in most applications

also php will have a unix platform bias

VB will have a windows bias

Also they are completely different languages with different syntax and function libraries.

How do you take a print screen in Visual Basic 2005?

I use VB2005 and I want to know how to take a print screen of the computer screen, not just a form, but the entire computer screen.

How do you take a print screen in Visual Basic 2005?
Go to the Microsoft Website and download printform component.
Reply:Press the PrintScrn key on your keyboard. You won't see anything happen, but it will be copied to your "clipboard".

Open any program that has a Paste feature (like Word or Paint) and go to the Edit menu and click Paste.

If you decide you only want the active window, not the whole computer screen, hold down the Alt key while you hit the PrintScrn key
Reply:Print screen then paste into wordpad or paint

botanical garden

How to lock a file from others using Visual basic code?

Rightclick the file, Send-To, "Compressed (zipped) folder". Open that folder, right-click the blank background portion of the screen, and "add new password"

How to lock a file from others using Visual basic code?
If you want to lock a file, it is probably easier to use an existing utility such as Winzip, PKZip, or whatever you prefer, and encrypt it. If you want to learn how to do it by writing your own code - learn the basics first and work you way up to the task. lists a variety of encryption programs. Truecrypt is highly rated by the way in the various encryption reviews I have read.

Can I make an executable program with Visual Basic?

i want to know just how to export a program to visual basic ant to run it independentely

Can I make an executable program with Visual Basic?
1.Right click the project file (the icon of it)

2. Select "make".

then you win
Reply:Open your program you have made, then in the File menu, an option will be there that says "Make program.exe"
Reply:I don't quite understand what you mean by "exporting" a program to vb but if you create a program in vb, it does compile into a Windows executable file. Now, you will need the vb runtime (vbrunxxx.exe) or the .net framework if it's a program but other than that, you should be able to run your program on any windows machine.