Sunday, August 2, 2009

How to create a timer in Visual Basic 6?

I know how to create a timer using the timer control, but don't know how to get it into the proper format. So what I'm saying is that I don't want the time displayed to be 126 seconds, but 2 minutes and 6 seconds. Any (easy) way to do this? Any help appreciated.

How to create a timer in Visual Basic 6?
i converted this from my C# code. Since i dont have visual basic 6 anymore, i just whiped this up from memory. Sorry if it doesnt compile directly. Use the visual basic 6 mod function to get the remander of seconds from seconds / 60


iSecondsRemaining = iSeconds mod 60

Function ConvertTime(iSec as Integer) as String

'convert the time to 00:00 format

iMinutes as integer = 0

iSeconds as integer = iSec

sSeconds as string


iSeconds = iSec mod 60 '(use the mod function)

iMinutes = iSec /60


sSeconds = str$(iSeconds)

if (len(sSeconds) = 1) then sSeconds = "0" %26amp; sSeconds

Function = Str$(iMinutes) %26amp; ":" %26amp; sSeconds

end function
Reply:Public Function SetTimeFormat(ByVal TimeValue As Double)

On Error GoTo errorhandler

seconds = Fix(TimeValue)

mins = Fix(TimeValue / 60)

secs = TimeValue - (mins * 60)

If secs %26lt; 10 Then secs = "0" %26amp; secs

SetTimeFormat = mins %26amp; ":" %26amp; secs

Exit Function


SetTimeFormat = "0:00"

End Function

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