Sunday, August 2, 2009

How can I bold a single word in Excel using Visual Basic?

Microsoft has turned MSDN upside down again and I can't find anything. Those idiots are always re-working MSDN and right now half of Excel is missing. Microsoft's motto seems to be: If it ain't broke, break it.

I need to bold a single word in a cell using Visual Basic. I know how to do it in Excel manually, but I need to be able to program it.



How can I bold a single word in Excel using Visual Basic?
That was correct but not clear

it goes like this

Sheet1.Range( "A1").Characters( 4, 5).Font.Bold = True

Sheet1: is the name of the Sheet in VBA (Not caption)

4: is the number of charactor to start bold from

5: is the length of the text you want it to be bold

You can also use "Underline", "Italic", "Size", etc

Enjoy my profile, I am the VBAXLMan
Reply:With ActiveCell.Characters(Start=10, Length=4).Font

.FontStyle = "Bold"

End With


Where 10 is the location of the first letter and 4 is the length of the word. Not sure why it is showing elipses after the 10, but that should be a comma.

night garden

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