Sunday, August 2, 2009

How best to remove hyperlink from a group of cells from an Excel worksheet without using Visual Basic?

I can remove it one by one, but if there are too many cells it can be so tedious.

How best to remove hyperlink from a group of cells from an Excel worksheet without using Visual Basic?
Fastest way to do this is as follows:

1) Select cells that contain hyperlinks

2) Ctrl+C to copy the cells

3) Maneuver to a blank area of sheet.

4) Paste VALUES. Click EDIT, Choose PASTE SPECIAL, choose VALUES, click OK.

5) Format the newly-pasted values to your liking.

6) Select the newly-formatted cells

7) Copy cells

8) Manuever back to original cells

9) Paste

10) Enjoy your new data without those pesky hyperlinks!

Hope this helps.


QwertyKPH @ Yahoo!
Reply:What do you mean?

Select them all (Hold down on first one) and then hold down CTRL while pressing the rest, then delete them

Is that what you asked for?

Reply:Just record a macro, you can do this without having to edit or add any visual basic, start recording in the cell you want to start in, right click or hit the alt menu key, choose remove hyperlink, and hit the down arrow, then stop recording.

Make the macro a button then you can start at the top, and click the button for each one, much faster than the other way or use a keyboard combination and just rapid click it.

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