Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How do i delete first record using visual basic?

I have created a visual basic project to store data. and i maked exe file of it. Using package and Development wizard i also create installation files to install another computers. add command also add record, save command save record, but delete command delete record. this is the problem... even record has one record delete command deletes because of it runtime error occured. how do i solve this pls reply quickly

How do i delete first record using visual basic?
here's a method that i used in a project once...

Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da)

maxrows = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count()


maxrows = maxrows - 1

inc = 0 'will return u to the first record when using the function navigate()



'navigate is used to show u records

ex: textbox1.text=ds.Tables(0).Rows(inc).Ite...

'inc is used to increment the records place
Reply:Plain Griddle Cakes (pancakes from scratch)


one cup flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

one-quarter teaspoon salt (not needed)

beat and add:

one egg (optional)


1 cup milk (scant)

stir gradually to make smooth


1 teaspoon melted butter or oil

cook in a hot frying pan, flip pancakes when they bubble, to brown the other side.

Serve with Vermont maple syrup.

These pancakes are sure to be tasty -- if you're watching your sodium intake, you can make them without salt and baking powder, which also contains sodium (as does milk), and they'll probably still be pretty good. We never add salt to anything, but when we omitted the baking powder the pancakes came out a little bit on the glue-ey side

state flower

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