Thursday, July 30, 2009

What's the best book for learning how to build websites using visual basic?

I have a basic grasp of relational databases and HTML but have not used applications before. I want to create dynamic, good looking websites as fast as possible but don't want to lose out on understanding the theory behind it all

What's the best book for learning how to build websites using visual basic?
First, since you didn't mention a particular version of VB, I would recommend using Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition. Associated with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and Visual Web Developer 2005 Express, you can do really neat things very simply and quickly. Much better than previous editions.

Then I would recommend three books:

1. Wrox's Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit

To begin. Included is a DVD-Rom containing VB 2005 Express, SQL 2005 Express and all the electronic documentation you'll need in the form of MSDN. The book is clear and good enough for an introduction.

2. Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition for Dummies

The book itself contains more ranting and lame jokes typical of the "for dummies" style, so it is pretty much useless, but the included CD-Rom contains very good tutorials and sample files that more than make up for the paucity of the book. Very good for a hands-on approach as opposed to the more theoretical approach of the first book.

3. Beginning SQL Server 2005 Express: Database Applications with Visual Basic Express and Visual Web Developer Express

If the website you need to create relies on database and you need more info than contained in the first two books.
Reply:Visual Basic 1.0 Broderbaund

something like this from amazon would be a good book to start with, i used a c# based on .net version 1, and it talks you though making an application and all the theory that goes with it

there are books like the for dummys series lol!!

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