Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How do i create loading bar like windows 98 in visual basic 2005 for my application?

Hi, can someone tell me how to create a loading bar like the one in windows 98 when it is starting up? I am using visual basic 2005 and working on my application. I wanna create that loading bar for my application in visual basic 2005.

please help me

How do i create loading bar like windows 98 in visual basic 2005 for my application?
It's a progress bar....


try this

progressbar1.min = 0

i = 0

progressbar1.max = 100

while(progressbar1.value != progressbar1.max)

i = i +1

progressbar.value = i


(counts from 1 to 100 then moves the value of the progressbar) hope it helps
Reply:It really depends on how you want the bar to work, and what will be happening when the bar is showing. If you are talking about a bar that shows while your app is starting, I am thinking that would be rather difficult. If you are talking about a progress bar that shows the progress of an recordset being loaded, you can use something like this :


I used it in one of my apps, and it works fairly well. The basic concept is simply to define a transparent rectangle, then overlay it with one of a different color whose size grows according to some parameter you set. Of course, I was working in VBA - there may be some type of functionality built into 2005 not available in VBA. Good luck.

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