Monday, May 24, 2010

How can I check two letters pressed on text box using Visual Basic?

I'm working on Visual Basic , I went to check two characters pressed on a text box, I use the following code

switch case keyascii

case asc("A")

case asc("B")

Label1.caption="AB are pressed"

case asc("C")

case asc("B)

Label1.caption="BC Pressed"

end select

But It can't work only it displays AB are pressed. I think it only checks the asc("B"), PLs help me with this

How can I check two letters pressed on text box using Visual Basic?
There are essentially problems in your code :

I think you worked with C-Based Languages before .

In VB,after each "case" block that returns true,program jumps to "End Select" against C-Based Langs.

"Switch" must be replaced by "SELECT"

AND A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE : In Each Call Event of KEYs(for ex.keypress,...) , only 1 main key(but ALT,SHIFT,CONTROL) is passed to event function . So you must save first 'keypress' keyascii and then check the second :

dim prevKey as integer


Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

if prevKey=-1 then

if keyAscii=asc("A") OR keyAscii=asc("B") OR _

keyAscii=asc("C") then


end if



select case keySum

case asc("A")+asc("B")

Label1.caption="AB are pressed"

case asc("B")+asc("C")

Label1.caption="BC are pressed"

end select


end if

End Sub

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